Various obstacles and difficulties faced during the pandemic did not dampen the commitment of SMA KRISTEN PLUS BPK PENABUR Cirebon to continue to provide quality education services. Various support capacities are provided by schools, for example technology in relation to online learning, provision of official accounts of classical meeting platforms, studio facilities and technological creativity to deliver quality-fun-productive learning. Another thing that continues to be managed seriously is to provide opportunities for students to take part in various competitions as an effort to "enrich" the students.
SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon continues to prepare students and involve students in various competitions both academic (for example the National Science Competition) and non-academics.
"We continue and always encourage students to keep practicing and learning despite the pandemic. We don’t want later when the Pandemic goes away and we can’t do anything because we "waste" the opportunity to prepare for the pandemic. In fact, we can still make achievements during this pandemic, ”said Mr. Antonius Adinugroho, ST, Vice Principal of Curriculum.
"We are currently participating in the International Relations English Competition (IREC) 2020 which held by one of the well-known state university in Yogyakarta for the Newscaster on Oct 16 to Oct 18, 2020," said Mr. Dennis Enriquez, one of the English teachers, when met by the editorial team during the preparation for the competition.
With strong commitment and fighting spirit, the students of SMA KRISTEN PLUS PENABUR Cirebon remain enthusiastic and continue to make achievements even though they have to participate in learning remotely. "The learning runs normally from 7.00 am to 1.00 pm. After that we continue to extracurricular activities or tutorials, which are done online. I feel that the teachers are wonderful, the technology is also okay so that we can enjoy learning. And the most important thing is that we become more resilient in facing life’s difficulties ”,said Jocelyn Natasya Moses, a beautiful girl from class XII who was also a participant in the IREC-Newscaster competition as a delegation from SMA KRISTEN PLUS PENABUR Cirebon.
Be spiritful in facing the struggle all students! Don’t give up with difficulties because difficulties will continue to come along the journey of our life! Respond the difficulties positively!
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