
Congratulations on the achievements in many competitions that have been followed by the SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon students. Whatever the results that have been received, either we win or not, we must first gratitude to God for His blessings. Winning or not is not a big deal for our school, because SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon has a principle that hard work and integrity are something that is important than the result itself. Because of that, our school really appreciate the students attitudes to take a risk in being brave to challenge their own selves to join many competitions given. SMPK-SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon will facilitate the talents, aptitudes and the abilities that the students have, so they can grow and explore more and finally they can add their ‘priceless value’ that they do not get it from class lessons into their life.
“We are taking seriously in supporting the ability of the students, both academic and non-academic skills. Therefore, the school policy is to increase the students frequency to join more available competitions and thanks God, we can see the results now, many achievements SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon students accomplish”, said Mr Rusmin, S.Pd., the Vice Principal of Students Affair of SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon, when explaining the school policy related to the development of the students achievement.
Dear the students of SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon, remember that you must know yourself, be the best version of yourself, dig and explore your ability and rise and shine for everything that you have been through.
In order to know our progress and our students accomplishment, please click on our link below!