
Berita Sekolah


SMPK-SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon held a presentation about the socialization of the school’s “most valuable” programs on Monday, September 7th, 2020. The presentations were carried out in two methods: online and face to face at Hall of TKK – SMAK PENABUR Plus. This socialization is one of the New Student Admissions programs of 2021/2022 School Year for parents of Grade 6 SDK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon students and parents of Grade IX SMPK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon students. On that occasion the parents of grade VI and grade IX students from other schools in Cirebon were also invited.

     The purpose of this socialization is to provide information for parents about the excellence of the school, the process and various provisions regarding Student Enrollment of SMPK-SMAK PENABUR Plus Cirebon so that parents can obtain accurate information.

     "Education is an investment for the future. Therefore, parents must be very careful and wise in determining the place where we will "invest" the future of our children. The choice to send their sons and daughters to SMP / SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon is the right and wise choice, ”said Mr. Antonius Adinugroho as Committee PPDB SMP / SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon. With good school management skills, innovative programs and strong support capacity, SMPK-SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon has and will continue to prove to be the best school in Cirebon City.

     Schools that were opened 10 years ago have received various achievements and awards, both at regional, national, and even international levels.

     "We will focus on developing 4 student competencies needed in the millennial era, namely Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. Learning that uses STEM concepts and the process of training high-order thinking skills, ”said Mr.Ubro, the Principal of Plussians School,in the session explaining “School Directions and Policies”.

     During the session, the parents of students were also actively involved in question and answer both through zoom and face to face. Health Protocols are also maintained to prevent and minimize transmission of the Covid-19 virus.

Come on! Immediately register your sons and daughters at SMPK-SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon! Get a variety of attractive promo programs, especially in the Earlybird admission!

For your information, the Early Bird admission starts September 1 to November 30, 2020.

For further information, please contact Administration of SMPK-SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon.

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