
“Nusantara baru, Indonesia maju dan maju terus sekolahku!!”
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“Nusantara baru, Indonesia maju dan maju terus sekolahku!!”

The celebration of the 79th Indonesia Independence Day is the momentum for all Indonesian citizen to keep the spirit and love our beloved country by keeping forward to the better Indonesia. It also happened to our school, SMPK-SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon keeps struggling in giving the best quality of education services which are updated and modern. To keep the spirit of nationalism, our school holds many interesting activities, such as:



1. Plussians-Imaginary National Reunion 2024.

It is the second time our school holds this event. All great heroes and heroines reunite, study, and learn together. Of course, here the students can pick his/ her favourite hero/ heroine, then, dress up like their favourite. “It is so much fun… Today, I meet and learn together with Moh. Hatta, Teuku Umar, RA Kartini, Thomas Pattimura, Jendral Sudirman and other heroes/ heroines. Here, I believe that other students also feel the spirit of patriotism and the vibes of nationalism,” told Jessie, a SHS student who really wants that this event must be kept for the next academic year.




2. Plussians Flag Ceremony.

On August 17th, 2024, all BPK PENABUR Plus had a flag ceremony. This moment is also one of the prides from the students who participated as Flag Raising Troop or PASKIBRA. The students have a good opportunity to show their ability and their nationalism attitudes by raising the flag. And the struggles were PAID OFF!! “Thanks to the Plussians Troops who have already done their best in performing their ability. Of course, it cannot be successful if there is no help from the Flag Raising Alumnus, such as: Davin, Jerrald, Brian, Matthew, Rafael and other students. Hopefully, it can inspire other students to be brave to be a part and have willingness to participate in the nationalism event and to the real big other events”, said Mr Agung Nugoroho, S.Pd., the Vice Principal of Students’ Affair in the post-ceremonial event.



3. Independence Day Competitions.

There are many interesting activities that the students must join last Monday, August 19th, 2024, such as: Tug of War (Tarik Tambang), Estafet Games and many more. The event was lively because we did it in Kodim 0614 Cirebon. The sun of the sun does not stop the students to take a part in many games. “It doesn’t matter whether we have to win or not, but the important things are we have a good team work and not be a selfish in a team”, said Gilbert who participated in the Estafet game and had to sacrifice himself bathing in flour.



To sum up, the independence commemoration of course will be over. Let’s keep forward by spreading love, peace, and the spirit of unity. Happy Independence Day!

“Nusantara baru, Indonesia maju dan maju terus sekolahku!!”



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