
Grade 12 students of SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon Academic Year 2023-2024 have graduated!
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Grade 12 students of SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon Academic Year 2023-2024 have graduated!

Congratulations to All Grade 12 students of SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon Academic Year 2023-2024!

“Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” - Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.


Your hard work has paid off with this final result, your efforts over the years have been proven by your graduation from this school.

Your journey’s still long, don’t give up! Success is at the end of the road.

Also congratulations on the top three students for achieving the highest score for senior school level academic year 2023-2024!


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Hubungi Kami

SMA Kristen Plus Penabur Cirebon

Galeri Foto

Lab Komputer UPRAK
Gym Room
Lab Kimia Uprak
Basketball field
Piagam Akreditasi pg 1

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Hits Hari Ini:146
Total Hits:156797
Pengunjung Hari Ini:99
Total Pengunjung:61247

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